
Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Outdoor show

Yesterday my brothers-in-law and I took the older kids to the Outdoor/Golf show.

The cousins love to see the dirt jumpers and I love to see all the new bike swag. Not that I am interested in the consumerism of the whole thing, I just love bikes.

I have some highlights.
Huuk bikes, a new North Van company making free ride bikes, was there with a couple of his new bikes. What I thought was cool was he also brought 5 or 6 bikes from his "museum." A bunch of old cruisers.

Haro bikes had a kids bmx race bike that looked really fast. I just looked for it on their website and couldn't find it though.

What was odd is that I seemed to be drawn not to the big mountain bikes, but to the commuter bikes. It is astounding that a few years ago when I got my Dr. Dew, Kona was the only company that made "high performance" commuters. Now it seems everyone is.
Norco has some really high end commuters that are over 2 grand. Nice, but no disk brakes. Here is the one that would be good in Vancouver. With all the rain it sure is nice having disks.

Along the high performance commuter line I also saw from Brodie a couple of good looking offerings, the Telsa is only 23lbs with disk brakes! A more affordable brodie might be the Energy at under a thousand dollars, still with disks.

The kids got tired of the dirt jumping so we went to the golf side of the show. What a cultural contrast. There were cyclists and outoorsy types at BC Place to see the Outdoor show, and on the other side of the football field was the better dressed, older golf types. The groups were only separated by a thin curtain. The two groups seemed to co-exist, with only a scant few venturing to the others"turf"

The BCPGA was building golf clubs for free for kids, all the cousins were fit for a club. I think we all left with 7 irons. All the kids teeth are still in place. We even tested the clubs at the driving range they had. There were golf pros helping out. My kid has now had more golf instruction than I have. One of A's cousins has the best "Happy Gilmore" stance I have ever seen, and at 5, hit every ball into the net 25 feet away. He had all the golf pros around him cooing. It was hilarious.

So we all left happy. The kids had all the posters, stickers and clubs they could carry. The dads had a couple of hours of talking swag and hanging out.

The only problem, it was a beautifully sunny day outside.


  • yes
    the golf club does seem to have some serious weapon potential

    in the winter months I have taken my boys to a few similar convention center events
    great to let the kids run around from booth to booth

    By Blogger gwadzilla, at 11:26 AM  

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